The Windatlas of the Icelandic Meteorological Office displays information on the modelled wind climate for 12,462 gridpoints over Iceland.
Clicking a position on the map brings up the closest gridpoint and information on the modelled wind at that point and the surrounding area.
The information can be displayed by surface roughness category, height and wind direction by dragging the sliders at the top right and clicking the windrose sectors.
The information can be downloaded in a printable format, as well as the raw data file in text format by clicking the file icons on the right.
Surface roughness is a measure of the surface type, oceans and lakes are defined with surface roughness length 0.0 m, while the lowest category over land has a surface roughness length of 0.03 m
More information on wind and wind power in Iceland can be found on the website of the Met Office, Vindur og vindorka (icelandic only)